

Welcome to our Convective Organization Modeling through numErics and Theory (COMET) research group homepage. The main goal of our research is to study the fundamental mechanisms for convective organization by conducting high-resolution convection-permitting simulations, developing idealized theoretical models, and using observational data for comparison.

We are aimed at answering several grand challenging questions related to convective organization. For example, What is the dominant mechanism for the initiation, upscale growth, propagation, and dissipation of convective organization in the tropics and midlatitudes? How can we improve their representation in weather and climate forecasts? Should we expect any changes in these processes under warming?

Recent News (scroll down for more)

  • Oct 13, 2024: Welcome Yifan Zhao to join our group for conducting an undergraduate research project! He is intersted in developing theores to explain underlying mechanisms responsible for real world atmospheric phenomenon.
  • Sep 23, 2024: Welcome Dazhuang Cao to join our group for conducting an undergraduate research project! He is intersted in using mathematical modeling tools to illustrate fundamental mechanisms of convective organization.
  • May 20, 2024: Welcome Haobo Yang to join our group as a 2025 class PhD graduate student! He is interested in using mathematical modeling and statistical learning tools to study convective organization.
  • May 10, 2024: Welcome Zeyu Tang to join our group for conducting an undergraduate research project! He is interested in developing fundamental theories to explain essential features of MCSs.
  • March 14, 2024: Welcome Wencan Zhu to join our group for conducting an undergraduate research project! He is interested in using machine learning tools to explore the predictability and fundamental mechanisms behind the initiation and propagation of MCSs.
  • March 8, 2024: Welcome Yuhui Li to join our group for conducting an undergraduate research project! He is interested in building simple mathematical models for understanding the essential mechanisms of convective self-aggregation.
  • October 28, 2023: Welcome Huaiping Wang to join our group as a 2024 class PhD graduate student! She has a keen interest in studying the fundamental interaction mechanisms between MCSs and large-scale environments.
  • August 5, 2022: Qiu Yang will serve as an associate editor for Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, starting from September 1st, 2022!