Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Prof. David Randall from Colorado State University wrote a series of QuickStudies essays to provide brief, readable, and accessible summaries of selected background topics in Atmospheric Sciences.

Prof. Kerry Emanuel from Massachusetts Institute of Technology wrote a commentary, highlighting the importance of “theory” and advocating that “we must resist the wholesale migration of atmospheric, oceanic, and climate science away from a traditional curiosity‐driven scientific endeavor to the more strictly applied venture of predicting weather and climate.”

Prof. Kerry Emanuel from Massachusetts Institute of Technology gave a talk about the legancy of Edward N. Lorenz and this chaos theory.

Prof. David J. Raymond from New Mexico Tech posted very nice lecture notes for the graduate courses in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics and Atmospheric Convection.

Prof. Adam Sobel from Columbia University developed Deep Convection, a podcast featuring real conversations between climate scientists (or sometimes those working in areas adjacent to climate science). A great way to hear the thoughts from great minds!